What We Believe

"Holding fast the faithful word...." Titus 1: 9 (NKJV)

Core Beliefs

Crosby Church's core beliefs are based on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these key biblical doctrines.


There is one God who is revealed to humankind as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Bible 

As originally given, the Bible is God-breathed and, therefore, our final authority for belief and practice.

The Lord Jesus Christ

The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is fully God and fully sinless man, being conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  All things were made through Him  and He is the exact representation of the Father. His death on the cross provided the once for all sacrifice for our sin so that we might be free from its guilt and penalty. On the third day, God raised Him bodily from the dead. After forty days, He ascended into Heaven, where He mediates between God and man. All authority has been entrusted to Him by the Father.  He will return for all who have trusted in Him for salvation and to establish his kingdom on earth.

Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has been sent to glorify Christ. He gives new life and lives in every believer. He reveals God's plans for us, helps us to understand scripture, and gifts the various members of the Body of Christ, so that together we can build one another up. He helps us to become more like Christ and empowers the testimony of Jesus in our lives.

The Church

Everyone who receives Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is baptized by the Holy Spirit into the Body of Christ, which includes all God's people, in all nations, from all time, with Jesus Christ as the head . The universal Church is visibly represented by the local church. Every believer in the Church has direct access to God, is indwelt by the Holy Spirit,  and has been gifted by the Spirit for service.

The Gifts Of The Spirit

The "gifts of the Spirit" are various supernatural abilities given to believers primarily for the purpose of building others up in Christ. We do not believe any single gift is meant to be the initial evidence of the "filling or receiving of the Spirit." God distributes "spiritual gifts" according to His will for His glory.

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