We are thrilled you're here!

Service Times
Crosby Campus
Sunday School - 9am
Sunday Service - 10:15am
Wednesday Service - 7pm
Sunday Service - 10:15am
Wednesday Service - 7pm
Huffman Campus
Sunday Service - 9am
Wednesday Bible Study - 7pm
Wednesday Bible Study - 7pm
Sundays - 10:15am
Wednesdays - 7pm
Wednesdays - 7pm
Plans this Sunday?
Pastor Keenan Welcomes You!
I am so thrilled and excited that you have taken the time to find out more about who we are and what God is doing here at Crosby Church. God has dreamed a dream in you, and it is a dream of greatness. He has placed us together at this moment, I believe, to see that dream come to fruition.
God has drawn you to Crosby Church to grow and to become more like Him. He has revealed to us His plan to build in you a deeper level for your spiritual walk. Progress is not always easy, but our Lord is the God of advancement. In Him we are changed from glory to glory.
God wove us together in order to see His plan unfold. Collectively, we can build each other better. There is a process we must go through in life, and the great purpose of this process is to stretch ourselves and see God’s destiny manifested.
Through the Cross,
Your Servant,
Pastor Keenan Smith
God has drawn you to Crosby Church to grow and to become more like Him. He has revealed to us His plan to build in you a deeper level for your spiritual walk. Progress is not always easy, but our Lord is the God of advancement. In Him we are changed from glory to glory.
God wove us together in order to see His plan unfold. Collectively, we can build each other better. There is a process we must go through in life, and the great purpose of this process is to stretch ourselves and see God’s destiny manifested.
Through the Cross,
Your Servant,
Pastor Keenan Smith