We are here for YOU

Food For The People

Mondays at 9am
Food for the People is a free drive through distribution of quality food boxes. All are Welcome!!
Every Monday 9:00 am - until food is gone 

Healing Hearts

First Sunday of Every Month
 at 5pm
Is your heart "broken" over the death of a spouse? Healing Hearts is a support group and a safe space for widows/widowers that meets on the first Monday of each month in the oasis room. We ask that you bring a salad to share. You'll find it to be warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. The leaders have experienced loss of a spouse and understand how you feel because they have been in the same place. They will walk with you on the long path through grief towards healing and hope for the future.

This ministry is founded upon Jeremiah 31:13, which says "for I will turn their morning into dancing. I will comfort them and make them rejoice rather than sorrow"

Grief Share

Mondays at 7pm
 Grief Share is a support group that meets weekly for 13 weeks. You'll find it to be warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. The leaders have experienced grief and understand how you feel because they have been in the same place. They will walk with you on the long path through grief towards healing and hope for the future. Grief Share includes: short video clips, support group and workbooks. 

Freedom to Recovery

Thursdays at 7pm
 Freedom to Recovery is one of our ministries that introduces you to a biblical and balance program, helping countless people overcome their

hurts, hang-ups and habits. Based on the actual words Jesus found in the sermon on the mount rather than psychological theory.

Meets every Thursday Night in the café at 7:00 pm

Prayer Ministry

Mondays at 7pm
 If you would like someone to pray with you or need a moment to be in God's presence, we offer Monday night prayer every week. Its in the Crosby Church sanctuary at 7pm every Monday night so come on by and watch the power of prayer change your life.