
Why do we do this?

Jesus makes it clear!

We are a 'sent' people, entrusted by God himself with the most important privilege and responsibility human beings have ever known!

Even as Jesus was sent by the Heavenly Father to restore our relationship with God,
we too, as God's people, are sent to continue the ministry of Jesus so that all people
in every nation might have the opportunity to experience reconciliation with God.

John 20:21 "As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” 

Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...."

Acts 1:8  "You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” 

The Lord Jesus commissioned his followers to be salt and light, to take the whole gospel to the whole world,
and to make disciples of every people group.
Through our own mission initiatives (both local and international), as well as our support for mission ministries in various nations, Crosby Church is committed to fulfilling the Great Commission as an expression of obedience to the Two Great Commandments,
loving God with all that we are and
 loving others in the same way he loves us.  

Local Outreach

Food for the People Local Outreach

Prison Ministry at Plane State Jail

 'Food for the People' is a regional weekly compassion ministry hosted by Crosby Church in cooperation with Covenant with Christ International.  The goal of this ministry is to assist families in a practical way by providing them with wholesome food products on a regular basis. Church staff gather weekly with a wonderful team of volunteers to distribute food boxes to hundreds of appreciative families. 'Food for the People' represents an excellent opportunity to love and serve others in Jesus's name.  
On the first Saturday of every month, Crosby Church participates with Chaplain Kevin Hrebik in life-changing ministry at the Plane State Jail women's unit in Dayton. As Dr. Hrebik notes, few Christians realize how God uses time in prison to open people to the Lord.  "The Chapel is always the busiest department in the entire unit. God’s Spirit is working in obvious and powerful ways in so many lives.” The publication, Criminal Justice Connections, notes that Chaplaincy [spiritual care] has been the most influential factor in reducing recidivism in Texas from 86% in the mid-1980s to 18% today. That's a 68% reduction in people returning to prison.

Crosby Church counts it a privilege to partner with the following ministries.

Churches United in Caring - Clothing & Food Pantry,  Crosby, TX 
Youth Reach - Helping Teens,  Houston, TX
Shiloh Ministry - Men’s Drug Rehabilitation Center,  Texas
Fellowship of Christian Athletes - Impacting Athletes and Coaches for Christ,  Houston, TX
Emergency Ministries - Chaplains 1st Responders 
Team Impact - Elite Athlete Evangelists, Dallas, TX 
Don and Michelle Babin, Total Tribal Transformation, Kenya
Mark and Les Harper, Pro-Vision, Mozambique
Brett Medlin, Rock Foundation, Cambodia
Jeff and Michelle Holloway, 61 Isaiah, Honduras
King David Bible School, Middle East
Nathan and Kim Thompson, Destiny World Missions, Mexico
YWAM, Ensenada, Mexico
Rich and Michelle Franzen, Impact Africa, South Africa
Kobus Grobler, EMIT Africa, Transformational Leader Development
South African Theological Seminary
YWAM, Ensenada, Mexico
Rich and Michelle Franzen, Impact Africa, South Africa
South African Theological Seminary 
We are also connected to the following ministries
Crosby Care – Clothe-a-Child  Meeting Community Needs  Crosby, TX
Prison Ministry - Plane State Jail, Dayton (Women's Prison Quarterly Services)
White Dove - Pastor Mike Mille - Feeding Stations
Leading Edge Christian Ministries - Church Leader Development in the Majority World 

Contact us about your interest in missions.