Men in Pursuit

Men's Ministry

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Crosby Church is committed to discipling and equipping  men of all ages to become true men of God.  Many years ago, the Lord inspired Pastor Keenan through Genesis 14:14 to create a special commissioning process to develop Crosby Church's men into committed and spiritually mature servant leaders who can compassionately and competently fulfill important responsibilities in the church and God's Kingdom.  We call this special process 'Men in Pursuit'.  Men who sense a call to greater responsibility in the Kingdom of God can choose to undergo a three-level discipleship, equipping, and development process. Those who complete the process are recognized in a special commissioning service that affirms their deeper commitment to serve the Lord Jesus and the body of Christ as consecrated men of character committed to his Kingdom purposes. If you are interested in finding out more,  please speak to a pastor or group leader, call the office, or complete the email form below.

An important part of our men's ministry, Crosby Church hosts our MIP Men's Breakfast at 8:30 AM in the Fusion Center at the Crosby campus on the first Saturday of every month. In addition to providing great fellowship and food, those at the breakfast receive an encouraging word from the Lord.  Men of all ages are encouraged to join us, and you are more than welcome to bring your sons and friends!  
Each year, Crosby Church also facilitates or participates in one or more special events just for men. These often focus on Christian manhood and provide opportunities for meaningful fellowship. 

Men's Commissioning 

Monthly Breakfast (open to all men of all ages)

1st Saturday of each month

8:30-10:00 A.M.  in the Fusion Center

Men in Pursuit Training Groups (open to all men)

2nd, 3rd, & 4th weekend each month
6:00 AM Saturday mornings (Café)

Men's Events

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Contact us about Men's Ministry

We'd love to hear from you. To find out more or ask questions, fill out the form below and we will get back to you. If you would like to be part of the commissioning process, please indicate this in the message box below. Thanks and may the Lord richly bless you!