Crosby Church Friends & Family Fitness Center
Crosby Church prides itself on building Spiritually Mature, Fiducially Responsible and Physically Fit people. -- Pastor Keenan Smith 

Individual Plan
  • Plan 1 - $25 monthly Direct Draft with an Annual Agreement (12 month minimum). Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Plan 2 - $30 monthly cash/check/c. card/direct debit (w/o Annual Agreement)*** Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Annual Plan - $270.00 a year (10% Savings) averages to $22.50 a month! Includes 24 hour Gym access.
Couples Plan (2 w/same household)
  • Plan 3 - $40 monthly Direct Draft with an Annual Agreement (12 month minimum). Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Plan 4 - $50 monthly cash/check/credit card/direct debit (w/o Annual Agreement)*** Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Annual Plan â€“ $432.00 a year (10% Savings) averages to $36.00 a month! Includes 24 hour Gym access.
Family Plans (up to 4 per household)
  • Plan 5 â€“ $50 monthly Direct Draft with an Annual Agreement (12 month minimum). Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Plan 6 â€“$60 monthly cash/check/c.card/direct debit (w/o Annual Agreement)*** Includes 24 hour Gym access.
  • Annual Plan â€“ $540.00 a year (10% Savings) averages to $45.00 a month! Includes 24 hour Gym access.
Access Card Fees
  • $10.00 Activation / Reactivation fee (per card)
  • Monthly membership donations are due on the 1st of each month.
  • Please note all memberships are seen to be a donation to Crosby Church, however are non-tax deductible.